News Media Alliance: Lawmakers Reach Deal on Economic Stimulus Package

Paul Boyle, Senior Vice President / Public Policy, News Media Alliance

At 1:30 a.m. on March 25, congressional leaders in the Senate and House reached a deal on a $2 trillion economic stimulus package that would increase funding for state and local governments, federal agencies and hospitals to help with the response to the COVID-19 crisis.  …

The Alliance expects continuing interest from members of Congress and the public about the impact of the crisis on news publishers. We will be working with other national and state press associations to make sure that the needs of news organizations – large and small – are heard. 

While we have not yet seen specific legislative language on the economic stimulus package, we know that it contains provisions that will be helpful to your business, your workers and your service providers. Below is a summary of key provisions. Please note: In the coming days, Alliance counsel will provide a detailed guide as to how your business can access some of these funds. 

Read the report here.

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