SW Cartoons 2019

Every year, editorial cartoonists donate work to be used openly during Sunshine Week. Below are this year's submissions, available for free republication during Sunshine Week 2019 (March 10-16). If you have any artwork of your own to share, email us at sunshineweek@asne.org! If you aren't an artist yourself, but you do know any artists or cartoonists who might be interested in this program, ask them if they might want to contribute!

NOTE: We ask that you respect the artists' copyrights and that you do not reproduce these cartoons outside of Sunshine Week 2019 without the explicit permission of the original artist or cartoonist. Thank you.

By Jack OhmanADVANCE FOR USE SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 2019 AND THEREAFTER-This image provided by Jack Ohman in March 2019 shows his editorial cartoon made for 2019's Sunshine Week. In 2005, the American Society of Newspaper Editors launched the first …

By Jack Ohman

ADVANCE FOR USE SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 2019 AND THEREAFTER-This image provided by Jack Ohman in March 2019 shows his editorial cartoon made for 2019's Sunshine Week. In 2005, the American Society of Newspaper Editors launched the first national Sunshine Week, a celebration of access to public information that has been held every year since to coincide with the March 16 birthday of James Madison, father of the U.S. Constitution and a key advocate of the Bill of Rights. (Jack Ohman/The Sacramento Bee via AP)