The popularity of the Coffee with Your Counsel sessions at the recent ASNE-APME conferences were a strong indication that news leaders have legal questions on a regular basis. Because it's important we provide answers to our members in an easy, timely manner, we decided to launch the ASNE Legal Hotline, a virtual Coffee with Your Counsel. Made possible by generous grants from the Charles Koch Foundation, this legal service is a permanent benefit of ASNE membership. Read this story by the Koch Foundation to learn more about the hotline and Goldberg's work. 

Contact info:


ASNE members can run their legal questions by ASNE Legal Counsel Kevin Goldberg by emailing asne@asne.org with the subject line "ASNE Legal Hotline." Goldberg will respond, and both the question and answer will be posted on this page. Those who don't want their question made public can contact Goldberg directly at goldberg@fhhlaw.com or 703-812-0462. Members can also join the member-only Facebook group and get conversations going. 

Introducing a new aspect of the ASNE Press Freedom Hotline: a Weekly Video Short.

We’ve been proud to bring you the ASNE Legal Hotline for the past two years, thanks to generous grants from the Charles Koch Foundation and the Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation. Via the Hotline, members of ASNE, APME and LION (the Local Independent Online Publishers) can consult with ASNE Legal Counsel Kevin M. Goldberg via telephone (703-812-0462), email (goldberg@fhhlaw.com), or, ideally, the closed group ASNE Press Freedom Legal Hotline Facebook Page (where we hope others will join in the conversation).


  • Charles Koch Institute

  • Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation


  • N/A